Life-cycle assessment

Long Pei

Long Pei

Long Pei is a doctoral student at MINES ParisTech who holds two masters at the University of Science and Technology of Huazhong in China and at ParisTech in France. He enhanced the dynamic energy simulation tool

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Aurore Wurtz

Aurore Wurtz

Having graduated from INSA Strasbourg in 2019 in the climate and energy engineering specialty, Aurore Wurtz joined the Eco-design and Building Thermal engineering (ETB) team at the Centre for Energy Efficiency of

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Alexis Poulhes

Alexis Poulhes

Alexis Poulhes’ research work concerns modelling of the user allocation in transport networks and its economic and environmental applications. He is also interested in the modelling and environmental assessment of

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Adelaïde Feraille

Adelaïde Feraille

Originally a researcher focused on the mechanical behaviour of materials, Adelaide Feraille has been working on questions related to sustainable development since 2005. She develops life cycle assessments in the

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Cyrille François

Cyrille François

Cyrille François works on the environmental issues associated with the daily mobility of people by developing systemic approaches.
He is interested in mobility, not in terms of the simple use of a technology but as

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An urban agriculture project implemented by VINCI Construction France

Urban and vertical farmers

An introductory evening for urban farmers and stakeholders from the construction industry wishing to integrate urban vegetable gardens into a building, neighbourhood or infrastructure project.
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