Christine AubrySenior Associate Researcher and Consultant Professor


Christine Aubry is an agricultural engineer who holds a PhD in agronomy (AgroParisTech) and is qualified to supervise research. She is currently responsible for the Urban Agriculture research team at SADAPT UMR (joint research centre) and co-leads an engineering training programme at AgroParisTech (Engineering of Urban Vegetated Spaces).
She initiated the T4P (Toits Parisiens Productifs Projet Pilote) project and created the research team on urban agriculture in 2012. She has been overseeing an "Urban Agriculture" Book Series with two Canadian colleagues at Springer since 2014.

Reconciling nature and the city, a highly artificial environment, is an art that is practised from the scale of the building to that of the suburban territory, including that of the neighbourhood.
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Scientific publications
Nicolas Rouget, Christine Aubry, Joëlle Salomon Cavin, Giulia Giacche Agricultures urbaines au Sud et au Nord : conformer les agricultures, fabriquer la ville
Territoires en Mouvement, 2024
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Conference papers
Daniela Sias, Giulia Giacche, Christine Aubry Agricultural practices in French prisons: towards better agro-ecological environments
Building movement and achieving transformation, AESOP; Universiteit Gent; HafenCity Universitat Hamburg; Institue for Agricultural and Fisheries Research; Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Jun 2024, Brussels and Ghent, Belgium
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Journal articles
Nabil Touili, Kevin Morel, Christine Aubry, Nathalie de Noblet-Ducoudré What do vegetable farmers expect from climate services to adapt to climate change by 2060? A case study from the Parisian region, Quels sont les attentes/besoins des maraîchers et producteurs de légumes en matière de services climatiques pour s'adapter au à l'horizon 2060 ? Une étude de cas en région parisienne
Climate services, 2024, 34, pp.100474. ⟨10.1016/j.cliser.2024.100474⟩
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Other publications
Christine Aubry, Nicolas Rouget, Giulia Giacche, Joëlle Salomon Cavin Pour une vision plus holistique des liens entre agricultures et villes
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Journal articles
Awa Ba, Christine Aubry, Giulia Giacche, Joëlle Salomon Cavin Entretien avec Dr Awa Ba, Enseignante-Chercheure au Sénégal, spécialiste de l’agriculture urbaine
Territoire en mouvement. Revue de Géographie et d'Aménagement, 2024, 2024, pp.61-62
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Nabil Touili, Christine Aubry, Kevin Morel CLIMALEG: Adaptation des productions légumières au changement climatique. Rapport de synthèse
INRAE. 2023
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Pilot site
Vegetable garden on the rooftop of AgroParisTech
AgroParisTech's experimental rooftop has been used since 2012 to design urban agriculture systems in rooftop boxes, using urban residues as components of technosols, with the aim of studying the services provided by
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Practitioner group
Bertrand Ney Rooftop at AgroParisTech
The benefits and costs related to green infrastructure in cities need to be better understood through assessment tools that measure environmental impacts, for example, carbon emissions due to the transport of substrates,
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