Adelaïde FerailleResearcher and Lecturer

École des Ponts ParisTech

Originally a researcher focused on the mechanical behaviour of materials, Adelaide Feraille has been working on questions related to sustainable development since 2005. She develops life cycle assessments in the construction field, at the scale of materials and structures. She also participates in the development of an environmental database of construction materials.

Ecodistrict in Paris
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Life-cycle assessment is a method to assess the environmental impacts of buildings and infrastructures throughout their life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials through to their end-of-lifetime handling.
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Tramway is among transport services that are analysed
The environmental performance of mobility systems is linked to energy consumption, emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases and the effects of disruption and fragmentation of natural habitats due to the construction
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Scientific publications
Journal articles
Charlotte Roux, Kateryna Kuzmenko, Nicolas Roussel, Romain Mesnil et al. Life cycle assessment of a concrete 3D printing process
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2023, 28 (1), pp.1-15. ⟨10.1007/s11367-022-02111-3⟩
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Natalia Kotelnikova-Weiler, Adélaïde Feraille Fresnet Analyse de cycle de vie des systèmes techniques de la mobilité automatisée., Life-cycle analysis of automated mobility technical systems.
[Rapport Technique] Laboratoire Ville Mobilité Transport, Ecole des Ponts, Université Gustave Eiffel. 2022
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Journal articles
Anne de Bortoli, Adélaïde Féraille, Fabien Leurent Towards Road Sustainability—Part II: Applied Holistic Assessment and Lessons Learned from French Highway Resurfacing Strategies
Sustainability, 2022, 14 (12), pp.7336. ⟨10.3390/su14127336⟩
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Journal articles
Ingrid Bertin, Myriam Saadé, Robert Le Roy, Jean-Marc Jaeger et al. Environmental impacts of Design for Reuse practices in the building sector
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 349, pp.131228. ⟨10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.131228⟩
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Journal articles
Anne de Bortoli, Adélaïde Féraille, Fabien Leurent Towards Road Sustainability—Part I: Principles and Holistic Assessment Method for Pavement Maintenance Policies
Sustainability, 2022, 14 (3), pp.1513. ⟨10.3390/su14031513⟩
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Journal articles
Jean Michel Torrenti, Ouali Amiri, Laury Barnes-Davin, Frédéric Bougrain et al. The FastCarb project: Taking advantage of the accelerated carbonation of recycled concrete aggregates
Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2022, 17, ⟨10.1016/j.cscm.2022.e01349⟩
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The trips generated by a neighbourhood are quantified and characterised using models for forecasting transport demand. The environmental impacts associated with these trips are then estimated using an LCA-type approach
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The physical characterisation of features of existing building structures will make it possible to consider their conventional reuse and the environmental assessment of conventional reuse via the life-cycle assessment
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Pilot site
Digital mock-up of Les Lumières Pleyel district
A development project in the Les Lumières Pleyel neighbourhood in Saint-Denis (93) is the testing ground for research work by MINES ParisTech and École des Ponts ParisTech.
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Practitioner groups
Vegetated tramway
Research work on mobility at the neighbourhood level focuses on the development of environmental impact assessment methods that make it possible to better plan the offer of mobility services in the broad sense
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Recycling of worksite waste
The environmental assessment of the circular economy is a recurring issue, particularly in the context of recycling aggregates in concrete or even in the context of conventional reuse.
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  • About
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